
How Does Hyper-Personalization Work in B2B?

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May 17, 2024

Personalized content is king. However, its supremacy is wavering more and more. Because: Hyper-personalized content vigorously shakes the throne. Due to digital change, the abandonment of König Content 1.0 is therefore only a matter of time.

But what makes hyper-personalized content so powerful? To put it bluntly, your target group benefits from uncompromisingly unique information on your website. They change with every visitor — thanks to clever AI. In the information age, this dynamic makes the difference between top and flop. Because: The next generation of B2B marketing is smart through and through.

Hyper-personalization therefore allows you to

  • customize your content for every single visitor
  • provide him or her with the relevant information
  • and thanks to the resulting customer loyalty, to far outstrip your competitors in the future.

With regard to these advantages in B2B online marketing, it is no surprise: Anyone who forgoes the unbeatably individual content of the next generation is kicking themselves up. The competition is happy — because your customers now have a clear view of their optimally digitized offering. And you? Don't pay homage to the wrong king. Hyper-personalization is king!

Personalized Marketing Through Marketing Automation

Like a well-adjusted e-mail account, our brain sorts out incoming messages: Mass emails with content that ignores personal needs or interests end up directly in the spam folder - missing the target. What do these recurring, broadly worded advertisements have in common? They're annoying! At least as long as we are not explicitly interested in these topics.

You can put yourself to the test: How do you react when you are addressed personally and, above all, correctly and provided with information that you are really interested in? You feel valued and spontaneously develop a certain sympathy for the sender.

The likelihood that you will consciously take note of this message increases significantly - because it is of interest to you and because a tailor-made email, which stands out pleasantly from the general flood of information, gives you a sense of control and security: Addressing you with your first name and appropriate content triggers a sense of well-being - after all, you know what it's about.

For Personalized Marketing, You Need:

  • detailed and suitable personas,
  • content that is relevant to your customers
  • the perfect time to speak
  • the communication channel that is preferred by your persona, and
  • a good CRM (Customer Relationship System) for the correct processing of customer data.

1. The Target Group: Know Personas

The general target group definition was replaced by the persona concept some time ago — it is essential for personalized marketing. This is the only way to precisely identify the characteristics of potential customers and draw conclusions about the likely needs and expected behavior.

These findings in turn form the reliable basis for tailor-made marketing — from website customization to multi-stage email campaigns.

But once defined, personas are just the beginning: Not only the consistent evaluation of campaign results, but every click, every page view, and every single download will provide you with new and, above all, more detailed information that you can use to optimize your personas and develop new automatisms.

2. The Content: Only Relevance Counts

How exactly do you know your personas? It's best to put yourself in their shoes: Which information is interesting at what point in time?

Even when creating content, which is the basis for personalized marketing, you should therefore keep the defined personas in mind - their characteristics will reliably provide you with the decisive impetus.

Create a variety of texts, audio and video files, and other formats to feed the marketing automation solution with the appropriate content.

The decisive factor is the added value with which you convince your potential customers of the competence of your company - both in the form of an email, a social media post, or lead magnet as well as with a dynamic website.

3. Timing: Analyze Needs in Detail

The need for information changes throughout the customer journey — this is exactly what personalized marketing should address.

The stated goal is that the measures support the conversion of an anonymous user into a well-known and loyal customer.

You can only achieve this if you provide the user with information at the optimal time - and the appropriate information at that time.

When a user comes to your homepage for the first time, they are looking for a solution to their problem or need.

So completely different incentives are recommended here than they would be effective for an existing customer who is looking around for news from you.

This is where a marketing automation solution shows its decisive advantages: It helps you differentiate, classifies the user profile and its stage in the customer journe, and thus ensures that the appropriate content is presented — personalized, of course.

Well-timed communication is also to be understood as a process: The successful conversion is not a conclusion but only heralds the next stage.

In this way, you can establish stable and extremely valuable customer connections step by step and thus open up new sales potential.

4. The Channel: Customers Set Rules

The options for personalized communication are extremely diverse. In addition to your own website, communication channels today include not only newsletters but also social media channels in particular.

However, it is always decisive which channels your target customer prefers to use for information - after all, your personalized marketing should also be noticed and received.

As a company, you should offer selected communication channels, regularly provide them with content, and, above all, maintain them carefully.

It makes sense to tailor personalized marketing to several channels — marketing automation effectively supports you here too: Once the content is ready, it can be intelligently linked to the various communication channels and placed at the appropriate time.

5. A Clean Database Is Essential for Hyper-Personalization

It's best to think of them as placeholders. They are reminiscent of the printing of serial letters. Once the merges are integrated, they replace the placeholders or individual words you entered with individual information. An uncompromisingly well-maintained database is therefore essential when integrating field merges. It must be complete and accurate.

The trio for using hyper-personalization always includes

  • its template,
  • a clean database
  • and an app for personalization.

Personalization using dynamic content is also possible. This dynamic content can replace entire blocks of text instead of individual content fragments in real-time. The same goes for images, links, or CTAs. However, due to the higher level of functionality, relevant content is more complex in its dynamic form.

If you can insert field merges as placeholders, for example, the rules for dynamic content must first be set up. This is achieved with the help of the so-called default rule. It applies even if, as part of your rules set in advance, no if-then scenario occurs. After all, your website should never be empty. Admittedly, even if the effort involved is high at first, it will pay off in the long term in measurable customer enthusiasm.

How to Use AI for Hyper-Personalized B2B Content

Precisely prepared data is essential for the successful use of hyper-personalized content. Here are a few specific tips to optimize your data usage:

  1. Ensuring data quality: Start by rigorously reviewing your data sources. Make sure the data is up-to-date, accurate, and complete. Regular audits help identify and correct inconsistencies and outdated information.
  2. Goal-oriented data analysis: Clearly define what goals you want to achieve with hyper-personalization. Use these goals to determine which data should be collected and how it needs to be analyzed to generate relevant insights.
  3. Extract relevant data: Use advanced AI tools to extract the information that is most relevant to your specific marketing goals from vast amounts of data. Machine learning can help identify patterns and improve predictive accuracy.
  4. Observe data protection: Review data protection regulations, in particular the GDPR, to ensure that the use of your customers' data is legally compliant. Implement robust security measures to ensure data integrity and privacy.
  5. Dynamic adjustment: Use dynamic content to ensure that the information provided is not only relevant but also up-to-date. If the content adapts to the user's behavior and interests in real-time, the user experience is significantly improved.

With these approaches, you can ensure that your data is not only used extensively but also effectively for hyper-personalized marketing strategies.

That's Why Relevant Content Is Personalized Without Compromise

Hyper-personalization is significantly different from regular personalization in content marketing. As a result, it no longer only works with name databases or search history.

Thanks to her, you as a B2B entrepreneur are more able to use all data for a successful customer journey from the very first click. With the help of AI, you can, for example, evaluate the forwarding media and also the shopping cart of your online shop. Purchases or search terms can also be evaluated as part of hyper-personalized marketing strategies.

Are They Reading My Mind Right Now?

Users who enjoy such hyper-personalized content are already thinking that. It's not a surprise. After all, the user experience on corresponding websites stands out strongly from classic personalized offers. Here, the personal salutation of Mr. or Mrs. is often the highest of feelings.

However, should your content marketing

  • extremely customer-oriented,
  • resource-saving and
  • be unmistakably qualitative,

There is no way around hyper-personalization. Anything else is meant nicely. Extremely personalized: This is what successful B2B content of the future must and will be like!

Conclusion: Hyper-Personalization Strengthens Customer Loyalty and Increases Sales

Personalized marketing, supported by marketing automation, forms the basis for effective B2B communication by addressing the needs and interests of individual customers. The development of hyper-personalized approaches through Using AI and dynamic content enables an even more precise and individual customer approach.

These methods not only improve customer loyalty and satisfaction but also boost your sales. Hyper-personalization can therefore be used in modern marketing to get more sales in the long term and guarantee business success!

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CEO @ Emporix AG

“Marc has made a decisive contribution to externalising United Security Providers' internal expertise and enriching CRM data. The ability to not only reach our target group, but also to maintain a valuable dialogue on an ongoing basis, has significantly strengthened our market presence.”

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CEO @ United Security Providers AG