
Content Creation with AI: Do Machines Write Better than Humans?

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May 12, 2024

Today, AI-generated articles often can't be distinguished from human-written content. Artificial intelligence technologies are time and word-efficient, error-optimized manner, and can fulfill tasks precisely in terms of word selection and sentence structure. This technology uses advanced algorithms to produce data-driven, personalized content quickly and cost-effectively. Does this mean content from AI is better than texts and content written by human authors?

This article explores how AI is revolutionizing content creation in B2B marketing and helping companies achieve their strategic goals.

AI-Generated Texts in a B2B Context

AI-powered content has been a common practice in B2B content marketing for several years.  Content from AI is an effective means of optimizing the marketing mix, as it enables interested parties and customers to find the information they are looking for quickly and efficiently.

Due to the analytical characteristics of the structure, and wording of texts such as SEO content, emails, or blogs, they are virtually predestined to serve as a playground for AI-powered content.

The Benefits of AI-generated Content in B2B Content Marketing

The advantages of artificial intelligence in creating these types of texts have been recognized for a long time. Content from AI is considered an established type of content creation in B2B content marketing. The most effective uses of AI in this area include:

  • algorithms, which create thoughts, emotions, and attitudes of a potential business partner based on existing data
  • Models and probability calculations, which provide questions and attitudes that a person might have about a product or business model and generate a context of reference for the respective product or business idea
  • algorithms, which personalize and individualize this context and create an individual “story”

In this way, a marketing principle is followed, which the well-known psychologist and Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahnemann once formulated as follows:

No one has ever made a decision based on a number. They need a story.

How Advanced Is Artificial Intelligence in Text Creation?

For the example cited in the introduction, the Guardian editorial team states that editing the text on a linguistic and content level included aspects very similar to those usually found in texts written by humans. However, the time required for editing was significantly less than for most man-made editorials.

So has AI-powered content already reached the quality of human writing? While this question cannot yet be answered clearly in general, it can currently be said that in many areas, content from AI is little or sometimes in no way inferior to texts written by humans.

Requirements for Good Content from AI

The essential thing is that the given prompts can be easily related to data sets that artificial intelligence has access to. If this is the case, the AI can generate coherent and cohesive texts very quickly, which reach the level of very good human writing both in terms of content and language.

However, the quality of AI-powered content varies greatly across different subject areas and text genres.

The more analytical the writing becomes, the clearer and clearer the structures and conventions are, and the higher the quality of the content will usually be.

In narrative writing in particular, however, there is an even greater drop in quality between the level of human writing and that of artificial intelligence, e.g. ChatGPT.

Strengths and Weaknesses of AI-Based Copywriting

Benefits of AI in Content Creation

The advantages of AI-based text generators become apparent, especially when writing analytical texts that need to be optimized for a certain word choice and text structure.

  • The optimization of a desired word and synonym usage,
  • coordination with procedures and processes,
  • use the search and text reading software,
  • and last but not least the speed of text creation

can be  identified as the clear strengths of AI.

Because a great deal of content worldwide is written in English and digitally accessible to artificial intelligence technologies, English texts created by digital text generators are usually of higher quality than content in less spoken languages like German or French.

Clear Disadvantages of Narrative Writing

In areas such as SEO optimizations, there are hardly any weaknesses and disadvantages of AI. In narrative writing, however, the current limits of AI-powered stories become clear very quickly.

In his speech “My Algorithm and I,” the German author Daniel Kehlmann describes a story writing experiment that he carried out in February 2020 with the CTRL writing algorithm. Kehlmann regarded the experiment “as neither successful nor failed.” CTRL describes Kehlmann as a “disoriented 'secondary user' of human-written text data” and cites the opinion that AI is “indiscriminate and helpless” when faced with more complex plots or constellations of figures.

In the scientific magazine “Higgs,” recognized science journalist Cornelia Eisenach attests that content from AI is often “amazingly good” on the one hand, but also “sometimes absurd.” She concludes that the AI is unable to write narrative texts, i.e. stories in the narrower sense of the word.

How Can AI Be Used for B2B Content Creation?

In content creation in B2B marketing, the use of AI has long been regarded as an established and efficient way to optimize marketing results. The main areas of application are as follows:

  • Extracting information from data
  • Inputs for content strategies
  • Content creation
  • Predictive Analytics & Forecasting
  • voice recognition
  • text analysis

When extracting information from data, AI analyses search and buying behavior to be able to provide information about the interests and attitudes of customers. From these results, the AI can suggest strategically important inputs, such as SEO optimizations, from which in turn the most promising can be selected to have content generated by the AI.

In the areas of analytics and forecasting, AI can be used to make predictions about future parameters from existing data. Text analysis and voice recognition tools can significantly facilitate direct interaction between humans and AI when creating and optimizing content.

Future Prospects of AI-Generated Content in the B2B Sector

The future of AI-generated content looks promising, particularly in the B2B sector, where tailored and data-driven communication is crucial. In the coming years, we could see even greater integration of AI into content creation, driven by more advanced algorithms and improved natural language processing (NLP).

These developments will enable AI to create not only analytical texts but also complex narrative content that contains emotional depth and creative elements. Ethical considerations and transparency in the use of AI will also become more important as companies strive to create trust with their customers.

For B2B companies, this means the opportunity to use AI not only as a tool to increase efficiency but also as a strategic partner in creating authentic and compelling content.

Conclusion: Content from Machines Works Amazingly Well but Has Clear Weaknesses in Storytelling

While AI-generated content is already showing impressive results in analytical writing, there are still challenges to overcome in storytelling. Although many B2B companies AI for marketing automation Using, the quality of AI-based text creation is still disputed.

With further advances in AI technology, the creative aspects of storytelling could also be improved in the future, which would make AI an indispensable tool in content creation and content marketing.

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