The mountaineer, article in Swiss IT about mountain sprinting with software teams.

“To implement our projects, we send programmers up the hill.” Marc Gasser has developed a unique project methodology, which he implements in his IT company. The company Astina specializes in process optimization in the area of e-commerce and programs portals that fetch data from the network and provide it in a structured manner.

Marc Gasser has already sent his employees to the mountains. But not to take a vacation, but to concentrate on working and developing software. 

Gasser discovered his passion for technology early on. As a teen ager, he dismantled radios and alarm systems. “I wanted to know how it worked,” he explains his early hobby. However, it was better that he kept his hands off it again, because the individual parts would no longer have fit together. His school's Internet connection dissuaded him from tinkering. Because Gasser wanted to learn what is behind the magic word Internet, he began to study programming. Relatives and acquaintances soon commissioned him to develop web applications; an article about his early business activity in the regional newspaper even brought with it a storm of orders. As a result, although he joined forces with his schoolmate Simon Morger, Gasser had to turn down some exciting projects. The baccalaureate also wanted to be passed.

University contact point

Studying business informatics at the University of Zurich was the logical result of the early fascination with IT. “The degree program in Zurich was ideal for me. The structure was in line with my idea that IT and business are so closely linked that you can't look at the two areas separately,” explains Gasser. During their studies, Gasser and Morger met the two fellow students Matthias Alder and Philipp Kräutli. They too had already set themselves up with software development before their studies. The four worked together on a trial basis and quickly realized that, despite their different characters, they ticked the same way. Inspired by success, the young entrepreneurs founded Astina in 2005. “We were able to get off to a relatively comfortable start, without much risk, because each of the four partners was already able to bring customers along,” says Gasser, describing the initial phase. Customer acquisition was carried out by word of mouth, which has not changed to this day. It works so well that the company has grown steadily since its founding and now employs 13 people. The company's success is also reflected in the Christmas menu in the main restaurant: In the beginning, there was bratwurst with hash browns, but now it's beef fillet with potato gratin. “The innkeeper has even promised to think of something special for next year,” says Gasser laughing.

Auf den Berg

Finally, Gasser explains his mountain project methodology in more detail. For a project, a precise specification is worked out with the customer, which must be ready by a specific date. With this specification, the customer can then also obtain competitive offers. When the project is implemented by Astina, the programmers pack their bags and travel “up the mountain” for a few days. This is to be understood literally; employees have access to a development environment in the Valais Alps. There, they can concentrate entirely on one project. Disturbances and interruptions, which occur all the time in the office, are thus switched off and the environment leaves room for creativity. The aim of this phase, which takes between five and ten days depending on the size of the project, is to create a running version of the software. Employees are also paid for hotels, food and even wellness. Gasser is impressed by the result: “The resulting solutions are fascinating. The employees are extremely motivated and prepare themselves especially for such a sprint. And customers are also impressed by the results.” However, a bit of persuasion is needed at the beginning, especially for larger companies that know classic IT project management processes. Among other things, Astina does this by contractually committing itself to a price reduction if the deadlines set are not met.

Teacher Gasser

In order to keep up with the times, Gasser is also involved in training. During an internship as part of his commercial teacher training, he taught computer science at a Zurich grammar school. That's when Gasser discovered his enthusiasm for teaching and is now employed as a computer science teacher. He is currently teaching young people the basics of network technology, services, security and encryption. Gasser finds a balance with work in sports, preferably snowboarding or sailing. But jogging also helps him clear his head. In doing so, he often has the best ideas. When he comes to the office afterwards and tells his boys about his latest project ideas, he also gets the comment “Marc, that's nonsense.” That's good and gets him back on the ground. Nevertheless, one or the other project has already emerged from it; after all, the company invests 20 percent of its working time in research and innovation. For such projects, the company attaches great importance to cooperation with universities. “On the one hand, we are at the forefront of innovations, and on the other hand, we get to know exciting people who may be our future employees,” says Gasser with a wink.

Marc Gasser

Growing up in the idyllic St. Gallen Rhine Valley, Marc Gasser starts programming web applications before graduating from business school. While studying business informatics at the University of Zurich, the 28-year-old met his future business partners. Together, in 2005, they founded Astina, an IT company that specializes in process optimization in the area of e-commerce. The company now has 13 employees and is currently looking for two more. Gasser completed one year of his studies in Sweden. “But the company didn't have to suffer as a result; for them, it was as if I was on the mountain. I was able to work remotely at any time.” During his exchange year, he learned that different cultures communicate with each other differently: “The Swiss express rather softly, but still mean it harshly.”

Original article in IT reseller

“The collaboration with Marc was highly professional at all times and was also a lot of fun. I can also recommend Marc to other companies that are looking for innovative ways in B2B marketing.”

Eberhardt Weber
CEO @ Emporix AG

“Marc has made a decisive contribution to externalising United Security Providers' internal expertise and enriching CRM data. The ability to not only reach our target group, but also to maintain a valuable dialogue on an ongoing basis, has significantly strengthened our market presence.”

Yves-Alain Gueggi
CEO @ United Security Providers AG